Well summer time is always busy. Last week the kids and I went up to my parents house. The boys had so much fun the first day but by 9:30 they were exhausted!
I treasure the moments like these...they are so precious!

The next morning we went to play softball at a nearby park

Jacob is such a cutie!

I love this picture! They are peeking through the cracks and watching the game.

Ryan and Jacob thought that we did very well.

Ryan noticed the camera. Cheese!

It was such a HOT day!

Poor Davis was so hot but didn't want to quit.

For some reason it surprised me seeing my dad play softball...I didn't know that he could! Hahaha! I was even more surprised when he slid into 3rd and cut his arm and everything...he sure doesn't act like he's 52...

Poor Adam was so hot too! He could still hit that ball!

Go Adam go!

He made it to 1st just fine...

Come on Krystina! After quite a few strikes...she hit one! Yay!

Okay I should have taken a lot more pictures of that visit...but I just didn't feel up to it. Now I regret it. Oh well...what's done is done! I got home Sunday evening and the next morning we went up to Shaver Lake for the 4th.

The kiddos had a lot of fun. Trent loved the rocks especially!

Well Trent and Davis did...
Liam is absolutely terrified of the water! Grandma saved him though.
He started to relax when Grandma brought him safely to shore.
Eva loved the water so much that she hardly got out! She swam and swam that day.

Uncle Alex was so good to take them all on a kayak ride...not just once but MANY times! He is such a good uncle and the kids LOVE him!
Mandy is so beautiful! I just love this picture of her : )
Samantha made this scrumptious jello cake for the 4th.
It was delicious!!! She is such a good cook! I always call her and ask her for advice when it comes to cooking.
Ryan has no pants on because he had a bad rash. He loves Lambert. That pup loved playing with the kids...well most of the time...
I am not sure what Tyler is doing here...

Poor Liam was tired and distressed...

Ryan on the other hand was having a good time with Poppy. He loves him so much!

I just LOVE this swimsuit of Eva's. She is such a doll : )

Oh no...here it comes!!!
Davis!!! He thoroughly enjoyed it as much as Tyler did : )
What?! She's actually smiling for me? Love this one!
Oh boy! Tyler was having a lot of fun snorkeling. After he was all done he told me that he was enjoying checking out old logs and spotted one far off and went to inspect it but as he got near he discovered that it was a huge dead deer. He almost lost it then and there and swam away as fast as he could! He saw a few fish and that was it. He didn't snorkel the rest of the time...I think he had seen enough for a while...
Just cannot keep these two away from the rocks! They love climbing them : )
After asking Liam what was the matter he finally answered..."Soda..." I then noticed that he was trying to reach into the cup holder and grab his soda but couldn't pull it out without getting his hand stuck! Hahaha! Love this kid...and yes I helped him!

Everyday they played for hours on the beach! It is SO nice up at Shaver...

Ryan was quite cheerful! Okay he was mostly naughty and horribly cranky! But every once and a while I would catch him having a good time. So I would steal a few shots of him.

Shaver Lake is so much fun. It is always a good 15 degrees cooler than Clovis. So it nice to go up there for a few days and escape the heat! I know that we will be visiting Shaver quite soon! For now we are stuck in this dreadful heat!!!
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