Monday, June 27, 2011

What to do on a HOT day....

Well this last Wednesday it was such a hot day in the valley that Tyler's sister Samantha had such a great idea to go up to Shaver Lake for the day. We went to Dorabelle for the day. It was so pleasant! It was still warm up at Shaver...maybe because it was 107 degrees in the valley. YUCK! So we enjoyed ourselves at the lake : )

The lake was cold...but because it was so warm it felt so nice!

Ryan refused to get into the lake. I took him in once but the shrieks were not worth it.

Trent was pretty cold. I am still shocked that the boys got in at all!

Of course they found a everything is perfect!

Ryan enjoyed the beach.

Davis was pretty cold. He swam for a minute and then got out!

Trent loved jumping off of this rock.

Tyler brought up a air mattress. The boys loved this.

They love their daddy!

I love this picture so much : )

Ryan situated himself on the mattress for almost half of the day. He loved this setup and was not going anywhere. Eventually he fell asleep and took a nice LONG nap...

Ooh it was SO bright and I forgot the shade for my camera...oh well. Liam is so cute with his twinky face!

Trent was done with the water for now and he was SO cold.

Trent was laughing with Eva about something. Love my boy : )

Eva loved digging. She did this for a long time...making her special soups.

The lake is so much fun!

They found better rocks....ones that were high up from the ground. Yes I let them climb...does that make me a bad parent? I don't think so.

Trent enjoyed his soda. Kids are so fun!

Well like any day, fun or not, they come to an end. We will do that again when the heat is too much...just run away to the mountains. It was so worth the hour drive! The kids love the lake! We all had SO much fun!

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