My grandmother's funeral was beautiful! There was so much family and friends that we practically filled up the chapel! Four days was far too long to be gone from my family though...Yes I had fun! I enjoyed seeing faces that I have not seen in many years. But I was missing my boys!
So I get home...and find that my children are alive and well. My husband is thrilled to see me. He was so proud of the yard that he had worked so hard on...the house was destroyed, but the yard was beautiful! It made me laugh inside. Here is a little teaser of what I had to face on Monday....
It was so bad...
and so destroyed...

that is was actually quite comical!
So I had a lot of cleaning to do on Monday. But I have much more to do today. I accomplished this room and the kitchen and living room...but there are still a few more rooms that I have to tackle...not to mention...the laundry! Hahaha! Wish me luck!
LOL LOL, oh our dear sweet husbands... for letting us leave them sometimes... They try! and poor Tyler, with finals going on... oh man, this is funny. Sorry Nat!