Well tomorrow evening I am on my way to Utah for my grandmother's funeral. I am going alone and will be gone for three plus days. I have never been away from any of my children for more than a day. I am very anxious and a tad bit worried about how things are going to go on Tyler's end. He begged me to leave the boys...I don't really think he knows what he has gotten himself into. Oh and did I mention...it is finals week too?! I wish him the best of luck! I on the other hand I will be missing them like crazy! I really don't know if I can do this...wait...oh yes I can! 3 plus days without kids?! Ooh la la...
Well anyway...the other day I took my boys and their cousin Nate to the park. We had so much fun. This is the only picture that I could get of him...somewhat smirking. The kid does not smile that often. He cracks me up! Oh and he was the happiest throwing handful after handful of tire pieces up the slide...

Ryan kept making me laugh. "Mama Mama" he kept yelling as loud as he could through the bars. So funny!
And of course we had to swing. What child doesn't love to swing? Are you done? No. At least he doesn't like to swing for more than 3 minutes. That is rather pleasant...

Trent is a monkey as usual. He has to climb on and up everything! He amazes me constantly! I don't think that I could do half of the things that he does on a daily basis...

Davis loves to climb the rock wall and always poses for me when he has accomplished such a hard task...
Remember how I said he is a monkey? No...he really is hahaha!
Davis just loves the swing. Though I had to leave him and Nate all alone for a few minutes while I ran and grabbed Ryan before he could reach the parking lot! This park is huge and has a lot of grass and sidewalks so it took him a little while to get there. I tried to call him back but when that failed...I had no other choice than to ditch the swinging children...

There's the stinker that refused to listen to me. Hiding under the choo choo train. Naughty thing!