Friday, October 28, 2011

Ryan turns 2!

Yes it has been a LONG time and no...these pictures are not in order...haha oh well! So Ryan turned two yesterday and it was kind of a crazy day because it was also Trent and Davis' school Halloween parties so I had to get them all ready and run back and forth from school. Thank goodness Ryan is only 2...he doesn't even really know what a Birthday is and spent half of the day doing errands and dealing with a stressed mommy. Well when the boys got home from school in the late afternoon I had to get Tyler from school, thank goodness my sister Stephanie was at my house and was able to bathe and wash my boys while I ran out to get Tyler. Rushed home, got them dressed and headed to John's Incredible Pizza. I laughed at myself for even making cupcakes...who's going to eat them when they have a ton of things to eat? Oh well...lesson learned.

This was after the party. They were not excited about going home at the picture says otherwise but they were cooperative about taking pictures...

Yay Daddy is with us! He has been SO busy with work and school, poor guy!

Ryan loves his Poppy

He is always tickling and always making Ryan smile : )

This was the best picture that I could get of the 3 of them. They were all over the place!

Ryan was excited to open his gifts...

Oh what did Memow get you?!

This is pretty much what he did the rest of the time after he ate. He played trucks with his cousin Nate...

Most of the time they fight...but they do love each other : )

Yay more presents!

Seriously the BEST present ever! Memow got him a whole bunch trucks that light up and make sounds. He LOVES them!

Of course the boys do too : )

This is one of his first presents opened...he didn't really know what to Davis helped : )

It was a lot of fun and a completely crazy day...the rest of his Birthdays will probably be like this...since it falls a few days short of I will be better prepared next year and make sure that things wont be SO last minute. The boys had fun playing in the arcade and running around. Trent got lost for the first time...he was missing for 2 minutes and I was calling his name and looking everywhere...then I got paged to guest services...low and behold Trent was sitting there all red and puffy eyed with a HUGE balloon! He stayed close to me after that. It was a fun night : ) Now time to get ready for Halloween!!! Haha I love it!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Family Date night....

Well since it was a last minute thing and it isn't easy to find a babysitter on a Friday night we went on a date with our boys. It was a lot of fun! We grabbed some fast food and drove over to one of the boys favorite parks...and since it was a Friday night and most people are either at the Farmers Market or have hired babysitters the usually crowded park was practically was SO nice!

Tyler and I sat and ate our food...the kids were not interested in eating since we had just gotten to the park. It was very nice to just sit there in peace while the kids ran wild.

But of course since Ryan was just too cute I started taking pictures of him....

This boy just loves the swing!

He started getting crazy and I kept getting nervous that he was going to fall off...but he didn't fall he held on tight!

This is one of Davis' favorite things to do at this park. It is either the rock climbing wall or the spiderweb...because as he puts it he is a very fast spider climbing up high on his web.

He cracks me up with the things that he says. He climbs up to the top and then says in his little scared voice..."Um mommy I am not a spider but I am just a little kid and this web is too high for me and so I need to get down from here....

He was getting nervous because Ryan likes to stand at the bottom...and since he cannot climb just yet he shakes it and Davis gets freaked out...kind of funny : )

Here is my other spider....

Finally Davis was hungry! He makes me laugh : )

Ryan was hungry too...he always likes to do what his brothers do....

Then we walked through the botanical gardens...they forgot to lock the gate so we got lucky and got to walk about and enjoy the beautiful flowers and trees...

He loves his Da Da : )

It was a fun night and even though we didn't get an evening alone it was actually quite enjoyable having date night at the park. Maybe next time we will just pack a picnic and enjoy another fun family date night : )

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Happy Birthday Daddy!

This year Tyler turned 29...and instead of making a breakfast the boys and I took him out to Farmer was delicious!

Davis was so excited to go out to the restaurant. Tyler got a new hat...and loves it!

I brought candles and a lighter and we sang Happy Birthday to daddy...

The wind kept blowing the candle out! Oh well...

I told Tyler to take a picture of's about time I have a picture of myself up on this blog...haha!

Eating outside was the best. Ryan played in the pile of rocks while the rest of us ate in peace...

He kept getting up and down...eating and playing....this kid is busy!

He kept telling daddy "goodopoohwa" and "gooscabupwa"...I don't have any clue what he was saying but we were trying not to laugh...he was so serious!

Trent was excited that I brought candles to sing Happy Birthday...he was also excited to go out to eat. He is looking at Tyler...he just loves his daddy : )

We had a fabulous time! But Tyler and the boys had to get home to get ready for school. It was a fun morning and I think that we will do this for every Birthday from now on, instead of making a mess in the kitchen : )

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Back to School!!!

Davis is ready for this!

They were both SO excited to start school!

They both would not smile nice...

I was finally able to talk Trent into giving me one nice smile...

My boys crack me up!

Davis did not have a back pack but was determined to show off his lunch box...hahaha!

He is such a goofy kid!

Trent was nervous about Kindergarten...but he totally loves his teacher and friends!

I love my Trent!

Davis and Trent love school! They have made new friends and enjoy it so far. Let's give it a week...and then see what they say : )

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Where has the time gone???

This summer has been unusually busy! It felt like we were constantly gone...but it has been a wonderful summer...even though Ryan has other things to say about it...

We went up to Bass Lake for a few days and everyone had a good time...even Ryan, though he was a little sick, and cranky. We went to the lake and while we were down at the lake Davis wanted me to take pictures of his 'boom boom dance'...

He is such a goofy kid!

Joel now works in Bakersfield and has been gone a lot! It was fun to steal a few pictures of their family...

I just love this picture...

The kids were so glad when Poppy and Memow came the next day...

It was beautiful up there...and extremely crowded! Bass Lake is a party lake and there are a lot of boats and a lot of people...We did have a good time because we got the best spot on the beach...

Eva is such a fun and spunky little girl! I just love this picture...

Oh Davis! You always make me smile...

Tyler put his chair in the water and made himself comfortable in the lake...

Alex is in deep thought here...He is trying to construct another sand castle...

This is sand castle number 6 or 7 I think...I don't know I lost count. The kids kept destroying them...and he kept building them...

Alex is so patient with the kiddos...


Finally!!! It is complete! Many threats followed this picture...Trent and Davis wanted to smash it so bad!

Liam Squium!

He was having such a good time at the lake!

After a long day at the beach we would head up to the cabin we were staying at. Thank you Millers for letting us stay at your cabin! Dinner time was one of the best parts of the day...

The food is good....everyone is happy...

It was such a beautiful place to stay...

Another day at the lake...Tyler had fun swinging Trent around...

I love Trent's face here...

He loves his much fun!

Look at that smile : )

It was fun having a few days to spend together before school on Monday....

It was a great day!

Davis loved spending time with us too...haha...

The kids just loved digging in the sand. It was great...

After Tyler and Sammy went on a long kayak ride...and tipping over Liam was exhausted and fell a kayak full of water! Poor baby...

He looks so uncomfortable! It was a fun few days and we had such a good time! Hopefully we can do it again : )

This was actually a few days before the lake...but these pictures made me smile so I am sharing these as well...Ryan usually smiles...he was mad at Trent though...what's new?

These two love each other! I am sure that they will miss each other very much when Samantha and Joel move to Bakersfield : (

They liked their shakes that I made...

Poor Davis needs his glasses cleaned...

Liam you are such a cutie!

Cousins....I LOVE these kids! It has been such a fun and busy, busy summer!!!